Spring is just around the corner? Hard to tell, but…

It may be quite possible that Spring is just around the corner. Why? There is definite bud forming proof, shrubs and trees are fattening up and the buds are almost ready to burst open with fresh soft and juicy leaves.
Hellebore, Snowdrop, Winter Aconite and Crocus are all pulling their weight in the brightening up of our beds.

Spring is almost here

 Signs of spring start with warmer weather replacing the cold, snowy winter! Crocuses are among the first flowers of the season in a variety of colours including blue, yellow and white.

The early flowers of spring need to be hardy enough to be able to cope with the changing weather patterns that occur in the spring, officially spring start date is 20th March.


The birds and the bees come back to life in the spring as birds migrate back from warmer climates to spend the summer feasting on our native necter and berries. Bees dive buzzing into meadows, and gardens full of wild flowers and necter in spring.

Blossoming apple trees and ornamental cherries are in full bloom. Varying shades of pinks, whites and reds of nature’s spring flowering show-stoppers, the blossom continues to create a superb affect as it falls like snow onto the ground and carpets the trees beneath.